


北京安贞医院心内六科现有在编人员32名,医生16名,护士16名。其中主任医师5名,副主任医师4名,8人具有医学博士学位,一人为博士后,7人为硕士学位,7人有海外学习经历。固定病床30张,一日病床10张。科室既有经验丰富的老专家把关,又有多名年富力强的高端专家实干,开展各类心脏病介入诊疗手术,如冠心病的介入诊疗,缓慢性心律失常的起搏治疗,恶性室性心律失常的器械治疗,快速性心律失常的射频消融治疗,以及先心病与心肌病的介入治疗等。 心内六科在国内最先开展右室流入道间隔部起搏,室性心律失常的消融治疗,探索了选择性消融迷走神经治疗阵发性晕厥,选择性消融肾动脉神经治疗交感性高血压等新技术。心内六科以心脏病诊治新理论、新技术和遗传性心脏病为研究重点,强调心脏病的综合诊治,引进了“双心”专家,解决病人的心脏和心理疾病。

We have 32 staffs including 16 physicians and 16 nurses. Among of the physicians, 5 of them are chief physician, 4 are vice chief physician. Eight physicians have a doctor degree of medicine, 7 have a medical master degree, and 1 is a postdoctoral. In addition, 7 have the overseas study experience. There are 40 fixed beds in the ward including 10 beds for one-day ward. We have several nationally recognized pioneers and we can provide the full scope of card for any type of heart conditions, including percutaneous coronary interventions for coronary artery disease, pace maker treatment for bradyarrhythmia, radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA) for tachyarrhythmia, and interventional therapy for congenital heart disease and cardiomyopathy. We have taken the lead in RFCA for ventricular arrhythmia, and have explored the selective vagus verve ablation for paroxysmal syncope and renal sympathetic nerve ablation for refractory hypertension. In addition, we have a psychocardiology expert to solve the psychological problems associated with heart disease.


We have acquired 2 awards of the science prize for provincial science and technology development: Experimental and clinical study of high resolution ECG and malignant ventricular arrhythmia; Experimental study on the mechanism and the ablation of atrial fibrillation. We also have acquired 3 awards of the third prize for provincial science and technology development: Clinical study of early reperfusion ventricular repolarization changes after acute myocardial infarction, Clinical feasibility study of right ventricular inflow tract septal pacing; Experimental study and clinical application of copper of embolism agent. We also have a national invention patents: development and application of targeted microbubbles.
