The department is mainly engaged in screening, diagnose and treatment of fever-focus infectious diseases and epidemic surveillance and containment, report and infectious control. As H1N1 has been epidemic in recent years, we carried out a rapid method for detecting influenza A virus antigen and nucleic acids PCR. Medical personnel Participate Peramivir and Sodium Chloride Injection IV clinical drug trials.
Department of infectious diseases, Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Capital Medical University was founded in 2003. With the continuous development, the department formed reasonable structure of echelon personnel. There are 28 medical personnel now, including 2 senior professionals, 7 attending physicians and 12 senior nurses.
The department is equipped with fever clinic, enteric clinic, observation ward and rescue room, responsible for diagnose, differential diagnose and treatment of various fever diseases and diarrhea related diseases. The environment of observation ward is comfortable, convenient and quiet for patients’ treatment and rest to prevent cross infection. There are experienced doctors and nurses to patients care.
The department is engaged in education of infectious diseases theory and practice of the Sixth Clinical Medical School of Capital Medical University.
In recent 5 years, Department of infectious diseases participated and finished “intestinal clinic Norovirus detecting” and “salmonella detecting in enteric clinic” of Beijing CDC, and published more than 30 articles. “Research on nosocomial infection monitoring model of general hospital” received the second scientific research prize of Beijing Municipal Health Bureau. “Infectious Diseases Medical Care Manual” , “Textbook of Critical Care” and some other books were edited and published. The department also Engages in compiling of “Hospital Infectious Diseases Management Norm and Assessment Criteria” by National Health and Family Planning Commission of China.
The excellent performance in infectious diseases prevention and control has been praised for many times by Beijing municipal and Chaoyang district health bureaus
Tel: 64456735
E-mail: Anzhenganranke@163.com
首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院感染科2003年5月正式成立。10年来科室不断发展壮大,目前共有医护人员28人,医生14人,护士14人;主任医师1人,副主任医师1人,主治医师7人,主管护师12人;教授1人,博士2人,硕士8人。形成了结构合理的人才梯队。本科设有发热门诊和肠道门诊,留观病床15张,并设有抢救室。承担各种发热性疾病和腹泻相关疾病的诊断、鉴别诊断和治疗。留观病房环境舒适、方便、安静,便于病人治疗、休息,防止交叉感染。接诊医师为高年住院医师、主治医师以上的工作人员,临床经验丰富。护士均为工作十年以上的护师及主管护师担任,护理工作细致、到位,注意人性化的服务。Department of infectious diseases, Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Capital Medical University was founded in 2003. With the continuous development, the department f…